If you believe the law is black and white and filled with justice, you have a lot to learn.
"Good night, and good luck."
December 2021
“Many paths lead to the same destination, it doesn’t matter how you get there.”
Our intention with A Crazy Little Thing Called Law has always held raising the collective human vibration as our sole focus, and the resistance to my podcast’s existence, in so many forms—the multitude of lawsuits (about 2 dozen), the fear and shame-based retaliatory defamation and libelous slander across the internet, and sworn under oath in court testimonies alike, the spiritual reckonings (including an inoperable cancer on one of my abuser’s sides, which my loved ones and I continue to hold space and healing prayers for)—these all feel counterproductive to our Wo-manifesto, and to our mission. Thus, I, well, we (as my beautiful, brilliant, brave, invisible team members stand with me), have decided to call our energies back and head out in search of new roads leading to our benevolent visions.
After the 2019 Women’s March, at a little patio table at Cole’s in Downtown LA, my Godfather told me that a long time ago, before the Anglo-Norman definition took over as we know it… the etymology of ‘surrender’ actually meant, ‘a move to the winning side’.
I haven’t been playing with house money, folks—this is my real life, all of ours’. And the weight of it is too much for my shoulders alone anymore.
So how do we want this story to end? First and foremost, we want the story of Season One, Civil Disobedience to END. It's been almost 8 years now.
Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a very real, and very dangerous disease that is difficult to diagnose in our current social, governmental, and otherwise overseeing structures. A much larger percentage of the population is afflicted with it than the average person is aware of, much like addiction. It too, just like addiction, is often caused by a combination of inherited genetic code, and childhood traumas of situational abuse and neglect: it is a mental illness, a disease—not a choice.
Therefore, we must turn our focus to the causes of it, and as studies continue of how to raise our individual consciousness, and therefore our societies’, inspiring the cohesively agreed-on legislations needed to support those living in the very real hell of it—both those afflicted with the disease, and those innocent bystanders forced to live in the horrific effects of those sick people. The obsessions with Covid-19 are because the coronaviruses provide more immediate and condensed focus on a destructive disease and the pain it has wreaked on us all in various ways, but the lesson remains: we must desire to make it a priority to acquire the knowledge to eradicate NPD, Borderline PD, addiction, and so many more treatable diseases from humanity.
Be they stalkers, murderers, trolls, legal white collar abusers, rapists, bullies, mass shooters: they are all still our brothers and sisters, they are someone’s sons and daughters, and their trauma-induced compulsive behaviors/actions/choices are out of their control. So we, as individuals and collectively as the team of A Crazy Little Thing Called Law, are choosing to feel and grow compassion as we empathize with their traumatized feelings, while we learn more about the inner workings of socio and psychopathic diseases. What better way to understand the causes and effects than to be present on “this leading edge of creation” in reality, experiences, and studies.
We are choosing love, and light, and forgiveness, over punishment, and shame, and more negative experiences—that literally perpetuate the environments that foster these diseases in the first place. We require a kinder, more authentic, transparent, justice-filled, emotionally intelligent: a just plain better world to exist in together, and we will continue as we have, with the highest intentions for the greatest good of all—all plants, all animals, all environments, all of humanity. We promise to continue showing up and doing the work necessary with joy, along the ever-evolving pathways to our new world where support for healing through trauma is “the norm”.
On a personal note, I want to say to my abusers: I’m so sorry, for all the ways I have hurt you. Please, always feel free to reach out to me if you desire to receive a more tailored and specific apology for the histories between us. Please, please forgive me. Thank you for all the lessons you have taught me. I know that we are all children of god, and therefore I love you. Believe my statements or not, I mean them because I know there is only love, forever.
And on the closing macro note, we thank every one of our supporters, contributors, fans, and critics—what a wild ride we are so grateful and honored to have been on! Especially with your support.
I am Billie Proffitt, and the beautiful, brilliant, brave, invisible team members of A Crazy Little Thing Called Law stand with me in these statements.
Kia kaha, as the Maoris say, or in American: “Goodnight, and good luck.”
* I apologize for the poor sound quality, I did the best I could under my given circumstances.